Cannabis belongs to the genus Cannabis, belonging to the family Cannabaceae.
The 3 most common species.
These include Cannabis sativa/Cannabis indica/Cannabis ruderalis.
Native to common in hot and dry climates. It has long exposure to sunlight and is commonly found in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia and parts of West Asia. Species Characteristics tall, thin stems, long leaves, finger-like leaves. It can grow to a height of 3-5 meters and takes longer to mature compared to other species. Ratio of essential substances: they are generally low in CBD and high in THC. Sativa makes you feel energetic, increase focus, help relieve stress. Suitable time for use: Sativa strains should be used during daylight hours because it is an active action.
Indica (Indica)
Native to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. Indica has adapted to the arid and turbulent climate of the Hindu Kush Mountains. It is short trunk and also has thick and wide fleshy leaves. It grows faster than sativa strains. Ratio of essential substances: they are generally high in CBD and can also be low or high in THC. Indica increase appetite, reduce pain, and nausea. Suitable time for use: Indica strains should be used during the night because it is a relaxing effect.
Ruderalis (Ruderalis)
Ruderalis is a less well-known strain of cannabis that is not popular and does not contain enough active substances. Ruderalis is caused by adaptation to the harsh weather, it was found in Eastern Europe, Himalayas of India, Siberia, and Russia. The fast-growing Ruderalis species is suitable for cold environments with little sunlight. The trunk usually does not exceed 12 inches in height. CBD is generally higher than THC but in small amounts it does not have any effect. Growers often mix Ruderalis with other strains to produce fast-growing cannabis.
4 identity of Thai cannabis strains
These 4 strains of Thai cannabis are Sativa cannabis. Thai cannabis strains It has 3 distinctive features:
Type 1 cannabis that provides high THC, such as Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1), Tanao Sri Kan Khao (WA1)
Type 2 provides THC and CBD in equal proportions, namely Phu Phan (ST1) Thai stick cannabis.
Type 3 provides high CBD, is the Tanaosri Kandang (RD1) variety.
Type 1 cannabis that provides high THC, such as Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1), Tanao Sri Kan Khao (WA1)
Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1). Herb Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences together with the Department of Botany Faculty of Science, Mahidol University and RMUTI, Sakon Nakhon Campus have selected the cannabis variety Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon from the obtained seeds. By planting and selecting 3 generations, morphology, chemical profile and genetic profile were studied for selection of Sakon Nakhon rudder cannabis varieties. Including survey data on cannabis cultivation in different areas, mentioned above from the three generations of planting studies, genetic traits among the genes involved in the production of compounds were found Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), such as Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid Synthase (THCAS) and Cannabidiolic Acid Synthase (CBDAS), total length 3.2 Megabase. Varieties with dominant THC production were also studied Heterozygosity by comparing data from studies of the THCAS and CBDAS gene pools, it was found that the genetic variation of this cannabis strain was relatively low compared to that of other cannabis strains in the database, so the offspring would have genetic variation low. The genetic data were compared with the THC and CBD contents. For the Chemotype, it was found that Rud Sua Sakon Nakhon variety had a high content of ∆9 -THC, which matched the characteristics of the studied genotype with an average ∆9-THC content of 5.03±0.36 %W/W and an average CBD content of 0.01±0.003 %W/W (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Table 1 and Picture 2 show the content of THC and CBD in each cannabis of Sakon Nakhon TT1 Rudder.
According to the record, the distribution of Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon cannabis can be found everywhere in Thailand. Especially in the northern region and the Northeast of Thailand in the area of Sakon Nakhon Province. In addition to finding the cannabis species, the Thai stick cannabis, there is also the distribution of the cannabis species of Sakon Nakhon as well. Distinctive characteristics of the Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon TT 1 cannabis variety, in addition to being outstanding in important substances. There are also inflorescences and unique scents, which are long inflorescences. It is a long bunch like a rudder, has a unique smell that smells like orange peel, and a slightly pungent.
Picture 3 Botanical characteristics of Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon TT1 / A dorsal leaf (left) and underside (right) / B female inflorescence / C appearance of seeds, lateral and fruit stems / D Stem shape and inflorescence.
Tanaosri Kankhao (WA1). From the study of Heterozygosity by comparing data from studies of the THCAS and CBDAS gene pools, it was found that the genotype of this cannabis variety was relatively low compared to that of other cannabis varieties in the database, so the offspring would have low genotype. There is a chance for chemical expression to generate stable THC from the genetic information that has been compared with the data of the amount of THC and CBD. The genotype was high in ∆9-THC, averaging 8.38±0.55 %W/W, and CBD, averaging 0.01±0.003 %W/W (Table 2 and Figure 4).
Table 2 and Picture 4 show the amount of THC and CBD in each batch of Tanaosri Kankhaw WA 1.
According to record, it was found to spread in the Tanaosri mountain range, which is a continuous line from the Thanon Thong Chai mountain range. It is a border between Thailand and the Union of Myanmar, starting from Kanchanaburi province down south through Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, and Chumphon with a length of approximately 834 kilometers from the information obtained from the villagers or folk healers in the mountains of Tanaosri and Thanon Thongchai mountain range in the provinces of Kanchanaburi Tak and all the way to the southern part of Thailand to be used as data to differentiate from Rud Sua cannabis, which has similar characteristics. From the information, it was found that the outstanding characteristics of Tanaosri Kankhao WA 1. In addition to having a high THC value, also have a unique inflorescence and aroma is that there is a tree shape at the bush inflorescences that are tightly clustered at the end of the branches. There are many inflorescences and smells like orange peel mixed with the smell of lemongrass. It has a less pungent smell than Rudder.
Picture 5 Botanical characteristics of Tanaosri white stem WA 1 / A compound leaves (left) and underside (right) / B female inflorescence / C external appearance of seeds, lateral and segments fruit stem / D shape and inflorescence.
Type 2 provides THC and CBD in equal proportions, namely Phu Phan (ST1) Thai stick cannabis.
Phu Phan (ST1) Thai stick cannabis variety from the study of Heterozygosity by comparing the data for the THCAS and CBDAS gene pools, it was found that the genotype of this cultivar was relatively low compared to that of other cultivars in the database, so the offspring would have low genotype. There is an opportunity for chemical expression to produce stable THC and CBD from the genetic information obtained. were compared with the THC and CBD content data. Chemotype found that the Phu Phan Squirrel tail variety contained similar amounts of THC:CBD, which was consistent with the data of the genotype, with an average ∆ 9-THC content of 6.06±0.43%. Average W/W and CBD at 6.54±0.28 %W/W or THC:CBD equals 1:1 (Table 3 and Figure 6).
Table 3 and Picture 6 show the amount of THC and CBD in each planting lot of Phu Phan ST1.
According to the record of the distribution of cannabis varieties, Phu Phan Thai stick cannabis in the area of the Phu Phan mountain range located in Sakon Nakhon and Kalasin provinces. Especially in Sakon Nakhon province, which has widespread mention of this strain from the information. It was found that the distinguishing characteristics of Phu Phan ST1 cannabis. It has a characteristic inflorescence and a unique smell, it has a bunch of large inflorescences, similar to a Thai stick cannabis, smells like ripe mangoes, and no pungent smell
Picture 7 Botanical characteristics of Phu Phan ST1 A dorsal leaf (left) and underside (right) / B female inflorescence / C appearance of seeds, lateral parts and fruit stems / D Stem shape and inflorescence
Type 3 high CBD, is the Tanaosri Kandang (RD1) variety.
Tanaosri Kandang (RD1). From he study of Heterozygosity by comparing data from studies of the THCAS and CBDAS gene pools, it was found that the genotype of this cannabis variety was relatively low compared to that of other cannabis varieties in the database, so the offspring would have low genotype. There is an opportunity for chemical expression to generate stable CBD. From the genetic information that has been compared with the data of the amount of THC and CBD. Chemotype, it was found that the Tanaosri Kan Daeng variety had a high amount of CBD, which corresponded to genotype data, with CBD content averaging 5.33±0.28 %W/W and ∆9-THC averaging 0.26±0.07 %W/W (Table 4 and Picture 8).
Table 4 and Picture 8 show the amount of THC and CBD in each batch of Tanaosri Kandang RD1.
According to record, it was found to spread in the Tanaosri mountain range and Thanon Thongchai mountain range. Moreover, the distribution of this variety was found in the southern part of Thailand, such as Nakhon Si Thammarat and Trang provinces, as well as the Tanao Si Kan Khao variety. The distinguishing feature of the Tanaosri Kan Daeng cannabis variety is it has an inflorescence that is tightly clustered at the end of the branch. There are many inflorescences like the Tanaosri Kankhao species but there is a distinctive feature that is red on the branches stems, petioles with a sweet smell similar to the smell of ripe fruit, and no pungent smell.
Picture 9 Botanical characteristics of Tanaosri Kandang RD 1 A dorsal leaf / B abdominal leaf / C midrib and petiole / D petiole / E female inflorescence / F Appearance of seed, lateral part and stem part / G Stem shape and inflorescence.
And all of these are just a few of the Thai cannabis strains that have been legally registered. There are many other Thai cannabis strains that have been registered. However, if the readers want to get treated with cannabis, you should also study about cannabis strains or consult a cannabis clinic across the country because each species has different strengths, which the properties are different as well. If you wonder what is the next article will be, you can follow us via Sai Thong website.
Thanks for the information from: Department of Science - RMUTI. Isan - Mahidol University / GROW STUFF / Jocelyn Bosse / medical marijuana